This action packed 3-D animated film, Jerry Bruckheimer’s first, is centered on an elite squad of highly trained, genetically engineered guinea pigs voiced by Tracy Morgan (Blaster), Sam Rockwell (Darwin), and Penelope Cruz (Juarez) and Speckles, a mole voiced by Nicolas Cage. Zach Galifianakis stars as the scientist who is about to lose his Homeland Security grant for turning wildlife into special agents.
Despite the threats from FBI special agent Kip Killian, played by Will Arnett, this unusual group of FBI special agents is determined to defeat the evil entrepreneur Saber’s (Bill Nighy) plans for world denomination through evil coffee makers. (yes, coffee makers)
While the fur-balls have plenty of personality, the subplot surrounding the shutting down of G Force’s unit is weak, the film had plenty of plot holes, bad ethnic stereotypes, and lacks the clever warmth delivered by Disney’s last film, Up. That being said – my 5 year old had to see it twice. Must be the talking guinea pigs . . .