Everyone has to have a freaking list these days, you want a list? Rather than tell you what I liked out of 2015, and there were many, here’s a short list of the films that “shit the bed,” to quote my buddy, Max.
In no particular order, they are:
The Humbling – What a piece of crap film. “I have never seen King Lear, nor read the play, but much of The Bard’s work is heavily displayed in The Humbling, from the novel of the same name by Philip Roth. I am not much of a fan of these slow, meandering films. I kept thinking they should re-title this one The Mumbling as it comes across as pretentious drivel, and I often have a hard time finding sympathy for most of the characters . . . especially Simon Axler.”
While We’re Young – Talk about a waste of time. “Did I mention the film is glib? I am not a fan, nor a detractor of Noah Baumbach, but if I had to surmise my opinion of him based on this one film, I would have to say . . . meh. While We’re Young expected itself to be entertaining, and it showed on screen. The lackadaisical writing and overtly-whimsied characters detracted from what could have been a significant film. It will fade into obscurity as, no doubt, will this review of it.”
Tomorrowland – Convoluted socialist manifesto for saps. “There is a lot of action in Tomorrowland, and it was handled well enough and was even remotely believable. But, the film makers relied too much on the improbable to be considered even remotely fascinating. When you finally get to the film’s message, it’s like some reverse Ayn Rand bullshit.”
Madame Bovary – Holy shit, THIS is the book they banned? “If watching an attractive woman sit around all day in fairly stylish period clothing is your thing, hold onto your butts, Madame Bovary will blow your ankle skirts up! I hope I have painted a picture of why it’s better sometimes to let curiosity die, Madame Bovary is a great story about punishment for many sins, but it could have been a much shorter film.”
The Runner – So much potential, such a disappointment. “If you want to see a film about how the Gulf Coast coped with all these terrible natural attacks, The Runner will touch on that. You might not be too thrilled with the ego driven message that all politicians are out for themselves, or are all corruptible, or are all flawed. We already know that. What I wanted to see was a film about how the community really managed. I was much less interested in some runner who attended Tulane and his Senate aspirations.”
You’ll notice I am kind of like the Homer Simpson of film critics, I tend to enjoy everything! But, if you want to see what I have been watching and writing about all year, here’s a link to explore all my reviews.