Frozen is the latest Disney animated masterpiece. Loosely based on Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale “The Snow Queen," Frozen tells the tale of sisters Elsa (Idina Menzel) and Anna (Kristen Bell), who live in the kingdom of Arendelle (which looks a lot like the Norway pavilion at EPCOT) with their parents, the King and Queen. Elsa was born with a special power – she has … [Read more...] about Frozen
Once upon a time, there was a magical flower that had healing powers. An evil witch discovered the flower, and she kept it hidden so she could use it to keep herself young. Then, the queen of a nearby kingdom became gravely ill, and the king sent all his men out to search for the magical healing flower. To the evil witch’s disappointment, the king’s men found … [Read more...] about Tangled
REPO! The Genetic Opera
Ultra-violent, intriguing libretto and well performed by most players. Swift Shot: When I heard this was on Netflix' "Watch Instantly", I was shocked - I thought for sure this would only be attainable through some back alley video store where the holier than thou never tread. But, someone tipped me off that it was a mere click or two away, and I was ready to enjoy this … [Read more...] about REPO! The Genetic Opera
The Princess and the Frog
The Princess and the Frog is the latest in a (very) long line of Disney Animated Classics. This is the first hand-drawn Disney film since 2004, and it was well worth the wait. Loosely based on the fairy tale “The Frog Prince”, “The Princess and the Frog” is set in the French Quarter of New Orleans in the 1920s during a jumpin' Mardi Gras. The story centers around … [Read more...] about The Princess and the Frog
I've said it before and I'll say it again...Hollywood has run out of ideas!! That's why movies keep being remade. The latest remake, "Fame", an updated version of the musical which was originally released in 1980, is in theaters now. I haven't seen the original "Fame" in a long time, so this review is going to focus on the 2009 edition. "Fame" follows a group … [Read more...] about Fame