Snikt packed; story lacked.

You know how I usually mention something in my reviews about how I wasn’t expecting much? Well, I was expecting a lot from this film, and quite frankly it didn’t deliver. It was an excellent movie, lots of action and forceful, interesting characters – but, where the action was overflowing, plot was seriously lacking.
Wolverine and I go way back, so his portrayal is important to me. Ya see, back in my younger days I used to play the Marvel Superheroes RPG, two guesses who my favorite character was to role-play . . . right the first time, Logan the wandering minstrel of sorts, Wolverine.
I was never much into comics, but I loved Wolverine and always wondered about his mysterious past. As I have walked in his imaginary boots, I feel drawn to his story in a way that makes me feel a bit uber-nerdy, but hey, Vin Diesel came out of the dungeon, and I can drop an enemy at 500 yards without a scope – thanks to my training as a member of Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children, so I can be nerdy, Bub.
So, what did I take from this latest tale of the clawed rebel? Not much I didn’t know already to be honest, sure the powers that be at Marvel decided to throw in some juicy storyline twists to get the comic purists in a tizzy, but the real soul of Logan, Jimmy (Hugh Jackman) is never really revealed. Perhaps they felt giving him a shave and taking us back to 1845 was enough, showing his involvement in every major American conflict from the Civil War and on, but why did he fight in the first place? What motivated him to become a soldier?
Meet anyone who has served and they will tell you the two most common questions asked when they mention their combat service, did you have to kill anybody or why did you join? The answers vary for us all, and Logan’s story remains a mystery even after this film. I challenge you to glean Wolverine’s real past from this film. You can’t. He has lived almost two centuries, yet his past remains hidden.
The story itself was excellent and the acting pretty solid – with special effects and stuntmen deserving most of the film’s credit. Some stand-out acting would have to be Lynn Collins‘ passionate portrayal of Kalya Silverfox, as she convinces the audience her love for Logan is genuine and eternal.
Ryan Reynolds was poorly cast as Wade Wilson, while Will he Is pulled off a decent John Wraith. And then there’s Gambit (Taylor Kitsch), and even I sound like a purist now, the guy is Creole with a heavy French accent in the comics – yet in this poorly directed characterization he barely even has a southern drawl. It really detracted from the story to be honest, I heard other pseudo-purists near me muttering the same and I like Kitsch in Friday Night Lights; he should have stayed there.
If you love comic book movies, you will eat this one up – people were actually clapping during the film, so it was a very interactive experience. You’ll see plenty of really awesome explosions, stabbings, shootings, a particularly effective special effect happens following an epic battle with Deadpool, kudos on that one Gavin Hood. There will be moments of romance seeded in between the action, and it will mean something but you won’t get that feeling of who these characters really are or what motivates them.
Please stay put until the fasten seat belt signs have been turned off, you will be treated to a little clip following the credits. A source told me they shot three alternate clips as well, so I guess you gotta see it at three theaters, enjoy.